Sunday, March 22, 2020

Have They Been Lying Totally To Mislead The World?


Please forward this letter as much as you can so that the world knows the truth. We are concerned doctors working here at Xiaotangshan Hospital, here in Beijing, Changping district.

Our concern is President Xi Jinping who has instructed the media here that they should not release any more cases of people dying from coronavirus to international media.

It's not true that China has not been having any new case. New infections are still coming in and more deaths. For instance,....on Wed this last week,our hospital recorded 345 new infections registered and 100 deaths.

On Thursday, it was 400 new registered cases with 50 deaths.Today Friday, the 20th march 2020, we had 320 new cases with 68 deaths. These cases are just at our hospital so if you calculate all the orther hospitals the number of new cases and deaths coming in,it's more than that.

Infact even the numbers that were been availed to international media of poeple getting infected and poeple dying were false cause hospitals here and the media work under fear coz of this dictator President Xi Jinping who has no heart for people as he wants to take over the world.

Coronavirus is very much alive here and killing people and those numbers of poeple dying in Italy are nothing compared to people dying here as it is worse but because President Xi Jinping has instructed the media to deceive the world that china is recovering so that the world will hail china and beg china for medicine and then china will begin to control the entire world. Right now President Xi Jinping wants to wipe out the United States, Europe and Africa so that it can become the number one super power.President Xi Jinping greatest enemy at the moment is United States and he is very happy that the disease is spreading fast in United states.

President Xi Jinping does not like being challenged, Anyone who challenges him has to go down. Look at how he has taken out churches in China and Christians are being killed like animals. He calls himself the emperor god. He wants to be the greatest super power in the entire world .So the media here has been instructed not to give any new cases to the international media but to keep lying that they are no new cases.

As medical staff, we live in fear and work in fear.This disease didn't start in December, it started in October, that's when cases started appearing but most doctors who raised an alarm were killed and persecuted. Only until it started getting serious...that is when they started announcing but it was too late.

Chinese authorities are your number one enemy. We all wanted to run away and leave the country but the government put a lockdown on us. It's like we live in prison of being controlled by the dictatorship of President Xi Jinping.

He wants to take over the world. He wants to bring down the United states and yet the United states has been very good to us as a country but our government has wicked hearts. Pray for us....the population here is under attack. May God deliver us.

Please come to the hospital and see the situation for yourself, how many dead bodies are leaving the hospital everyday.

Many of our fellow Chinese have fled using dubious means to other countries. The quarantine process here has been very very painful. Once you are caught sick, that's the end of you.You are left to die on your own on the hospital bed or locked in your own room. As a result some have ran away to other countries.

Forward this message to the world.

Note: CCP which means the Chinese Communist party has been the one who are responsible for bringing such a virus in to the world to completely destroy the economy of the whole wide world. They are trying to shout to the world that they have contained the Virus in order to make themselves a leader in the world to show thmselves as the superpower over the nations. I have been having this gut feeling that the Chinese media which is under the CCP is absolutely lying about the death count in this past week and also from the starting time. The above is a leaked confirmation that such a thing has been there and truth will always prevail in the end.

God bless you all.

The following post reveals about the entire satirical happenings by the CCP that has been in existence for the whole period of the Corona carnage until now: 

Also you can read the article titled, 'Its Coronavirus Cases Dwindling, China Turns Focus Outward' from New York Times which has clearly laid out the truth: 

Yours in Christ,

Abraham Israel

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